Delay Index Response Element
The Delay Index Response is returned for the following request type:
Table of Contents
Element | Cardinality | Description | ||||||||
<delayIndex> | 0..n | Holder element for a delay calculation for an airport. | ||||||||
<airport> ... </airport> | 1..1 | The airport for which the delay was calculated. | ||||||||
<rawScore>8.08</rawScore> | 1..1 | A raw delay score for the airport based on the number of observations, departure delays, cancellations, and the time of day at the airport (not normalized). | ||||||||
<normalizedScore>0.75</normalizedScore> | 1..1 | The normalized delay score, from 0 to 5 in increments of .25 (where 5 is maximum delay).
<dateStart>2012-07-20T16:00:00.000Z</dateStart> | 1..1 | The date and time (UTC) of the start of the window for the current delay calculation in ISO-8601 format. yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.SSSZ | ||||||||
<dateEnd>2012-07-20T19:00:00.000Z</dateEnd> | 1..1 | The date and time (UTC) of the end of the window for the current delay calculation in ISO-8601 format. yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.SSSZ | ||||||||
<flights>58</flights> | 1..1 | The count of all known flights at the airport for the given time window (whether tracked or not). | ||||||||
<observations>52</observations> | 1..1 | The count of flights at the airport for the given time window that are included in the delay calculation (scheduled/tracked flights). | ||||||||
<canceled>0</canceled> | 1..1 | The count of flights at the airport for the given time window that were canceled. | ||||||||
<onTime>46</onTime> | 1..1 | The count of flights at the airport for the given time window that are currently expected to be on-time. | ||||||||
<delayed15>4</delayed15> | 1..1 | The count of flights at the airport for the given time window that are currently expected to be delayed between 15 and 30 minutes. | ||||||||
<delayed30>0</delayed30> | 1..1 | The count of flights at the airport for the given time window that are currently expected to be delayed between 30 and 45 minutes. | ||||||||
<delayed45>2</delayed45> | 1..1 | The count of flights at the airport for the given time window that are currently expected to be delayed more than 45 minutes. | ||||||||
<delta>5.0</delta> | 1..1 | The percentage change in normalized score from the last period based on current observations. Positive values indicate worsening conditions, while negative values indicate improving conditions. | ||||||||
</delayIndex> |
Element | Cardinality | Description |
<fs>PDX</fs> | 1..1 | The Cirium code for the airport, globally unique across time (String). |
<iata>PDX</iata> | 0..1 | The IATA code for the airport (String). |
<icao>KPDX</icao> | 0..1 | The ICAO code for the airport (String). |
<faa>PDX</faa> | 0..1 | The FAA code for the airport (String). |
<name>Portland International Airport</name> | 0..1 | The name of the airport (String). |
<street1>7000 Northeast, Airport Way</street1> | 0..1 | The street address of the airport, part 1 (String). |
<street2></street2> | 0..1 | Street address of the airport, part 2 (String). |
<city>Portland</city> | 1..1 | The city with which the airport is associated (String). |
<cityCode>PDX</cityCode> | 0..1 | The city code with which the airport is associated (String). |
<district>Chaoyang</district> | 0..1 |
The district of the city in which the airport is located (String). |
<stateCode>OR</stateCode> | 0..1 | The State in which the airport is located (String). |
<postalCode>97216</postalCode> | 0..1 | The postal code in which the airport resides (String). |
<countryCode>US</countryCode> | 1..1 | The code for the country in which the airport is located (String). |
<countryName>United States</countryName> | 1..1 | The name of the country in which the Airport is located (String). |
<regionName>North America</regionName> | 1..1 | The name of the region in which the Airport is located (String). |
<timeZoneRegionName>America/Los_Angeles</timeZoneRegionName> | 1..1 | The name of the Time Zone region in which the Airport is located (String). |
<weatherZone>ORZ006</weatherZone> | 0..1 | The NOAA weather zone (US only) in which the Airport is located (String). |
<localTime>2012-08-09T11:02:59.571</localTime> | 1..1 | The local time at the Airport when the request was made in ISO-8601 format. yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS. |
<utcOffsetHours>-7.0</utcOffsetHours> | 1..1 | The current UTC offset at the Airport when the request was made (Double). |
<latitude>40.642335</latitude> | 1..1 | The latitude of the airport in decimal degrees (Double). |
<longitude>-73.78817</longitude> | 1..1 | The longitude of the airport in decimal degrees (Double). |
<elevationFeet>30</elevationFeet> | 1..1 | The elevation above sea level of the airport in feet (Integer). |
<classification>1</classification> | 1..1 | The Cirium classification of the airport, 1(max) to 5(min). (Integer). |
<active>true</active> | 1..1 | Boolean value indicating if the airport is currently operational (Boolean). |
<weatherUrl></weatherUrl> | 1..1 | URL for the Weather service with current weather data for the Airport (String). |
Fields marked as NEW will only be returned if the extended option "includeNewFields" is used.
See the Flex API Version Policy page for details.
The following example is a partial response and uses inline references for simplicity.
See Full Sample Responses for a complete response.
See Full Sample Responses for a complete response.
<name>Portland International Airport</name>
<street1>7000 Northeast, Airport Way</street1>
<countryName>United States</countryName>
<regionName>North America</regionName>
The following example is a partial response and uses inline references for simplicity.
See Full Sample Responses for a complete response.
See Full Sample Responses for a complete response.
fs: "PDX",
iata: "PDX",
icao: "KPDX",
faa: "PDX",
name: "Portland International Airport ",
street1: "7000 Northeast, Airport Way",
street2: "",
city: "Portland",
cityCode: "PDX",
stateCode: "OR",
postalCode: "97216",
countryCode: "US",
countryName: "United States",
regionName: "North America",
timeZoneRegionName: "America/Los_Angeles",
weatherZone: "ORZ006",
localTime: "2012-08-09T11:02:59.571",
utcOffsetHours: -7,
latitude: 45.588995,
longitude: -122.592901,
elevationFeet: 30,
classification: 1,
active: true,
weatherUrl: ""
rawScore: 9.08,
normalizedScore: 0.75,
dateStart: "2012-08-09T19:30:00.000Z",
dateEnd: "2012-08-09T22:30:00.000Z",
flights: 57,
observations: 52,
canceled: 0,
onTime: 45,
delayed15: 5,
delayed30: 0,
delayed45: 2,
delta: 0