Delay Index Response Element

The Delay Index Response is returned for the following request type:

Delay Index
Element Cardinality Description
<delayIndex> 0..n Holder element for a delay calculation for an airport.
<airport> ... </airport> 1..1 The airport for which the delay was calculated.
<rawScore>8.08</rawScore> 1..1 A raw delay score for the airport based on the number of observations, departure delays, cancellations, and the time of day at the airport (not normalized).
<normalizedScore>0.75</normalizedScore> 1..1 The normalized delay score, from 0 to 5 in increments of .25 (where 5 is maximum delay).
Value Description
0 Minimal disruption (delays and cancellations)
2.5 Moderate disruption (delays and cancellations)
5 Severe disruption (delays and cancellations)
<dateStart>2012-07-20T16:00:00.000Z</dateStart> 1..1 The date and time (UTC) of the start of the window for the current delay calculation in ISO-8601 format. yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.SSSZ
<dateEnd>2012-07-20T19:00:00.000Z</dateEnd> 1..1 The date and time (UTC) of the end of the window for the current delay calculation in ISO-8601 format. yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.SSSZ
<flights>58</flights> 1..1 The count of all known flights at the airport for the given time window (whether tracked or not).
<observations>52</observations> 1..1 The count of flights at the airport for the given time window that are included in the delay calculation (scheduled/tracked flights).
<canceled>0</canceled> 1..1 The count of flights at the airport for the given time window that were canceled.
<onTime>46</onTime> 1..1 The count of flights at the airport for the given time window that are currently expected to be on-time.
<delayed15>4</delayed15> 1..1 The count of flights at the airport for the given time window that are currently expected to be delayed between 15 and 30 minutes.
<delayed30>0</delayed30> 1..1 The count of flights at the airport for the given time window that are currently expected to be delayed between 30 and 45 minutes.
<delayed45>2</delayed45> 1..1 The count of flights at the airport for the given time window that are currently expected to be delayed more than 45 minutes.
<delta>5.0</delta> 1..1 The percentage change in normalized score from the last period based on current observations. Positive values indicate worsening conditions, while negative values indicate improving conditions.
Element Cardinality Description
<fs>PDX</fs> 1..1 The Cirium code for the airport, globally unique across time (String).
<iata>PDX</iata> 0..1 The IATA code for the airport (String).
<icao>KPDX</icao> 0..1 The ICAO code for the airport (String).
<faa>PDX</faa> 0..1 The FAA code for the airport (String).
<name>Portland International Airport</name> 0..1 The name of the airport (String).
<street1>7000 Northeast, Airport Way</street1> 0..1 The street address of the airport, part 1 (String).
<street2></street2> 0..1 Street address of the airport, part 2 (String).
<city>Portland</city> 1..1 The city with which the airport is associated (String).
<cityCode>PDX</cityCode> 0..1 The city code with which the airport is associated (String).
<district>Chaoyang</district> 0..1 NEW The district of the city in which the airport is located (String).
<stateCode>OR</stateCode> 0..1 The State in which the airport is located (String).
<postalCode>97216</postalCode> 0..1 The postal code in which the airport resides (String).
<countryCode>US</countryCode> 1..1 The code for the country in which the airport is located (String).
<countryName>United States</countryName> 1..1 The name of the country in which the Airport is located (String).
<regionName>North America</regionName> 1..1 The name of the region in which the Airport is located (String).
<timeZoneRegionName>America/Los_Angeles</timeZoneRegionName> 1..1 The name of the Time Zone region in which the Airport is located (String).
<weatherZone>ORZ006</weatherZone> 0..1 The NOAA weather zone (US only) in which the Airport is located (String).
<localTime>2012-08-09T11:02:59.571</localTime> 1..1 The local time at the Airport when the request was made in ISO-8601 format. yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS.
<utcOffsetHours>-7.0</utcOffsetHours> 1..1 The current UTC offset at the Airport when the request was made (Double).
<latitude>40.642335</latitude> 1..1 The latitude of the airport in decimal degrees (Double).
<longitude>-73.78817</longitude> 1..1 The longitude of the airport in decimal degrees (Double).
<elevationFeet>30</elevationFeet> 1..1 The elevation above sea level of the airport in feet (Integer).
<classification>1</classification> 1..1 The Cirium classification of the airport, 1(max) to 5(min). (Integer).
<active>true</active> 1..1 Boolean value indicating if the airport is currently operational (Boolean).
<weatherUrl></weatherUrl> 1..1 URL for the Weather service with current weather data for the Airport (String).
Fields marked as NEW will only be returned if the extended option "includeNewFields" is used. See the Flex API Version Policy page for details.
Example XML Output
The following example is a partial response and uses inline references for simplicity.
See Full Sample Responses for a complete response.
<delayIndex> <airport> <fs>PDX</fs> <iata>PDX</iata> <icao>KPDX</icao> <faa>PDX</faa> <name>Portland International Airport</name> <street1>7000 Northeast, Airport Way</street1> <street2/> <city>Portland</city> <cityCode>PDX</cityCode> <stateCode>OR</stateCode> <postalCode>97216</postalCode> <countryCode>US</countryCode> <countryName>United States</countryName> <regionName>North America</regionName> <timeZoneRegionName>America/Los_Angeles</timeZoneRegionName> <weatherZone>ORZ006</weatherZone> <localTime>2012-08-09T11:03:39.918</localTime> <utcOffsetHours>-7.0</utcOffsetHours> <latitude>45.588995</latitude> <longitude>-122.592901</longitude> <elevationFeet>30</elevationFeet> <classification>1</classification> <active>true</active> <weatherUrl></weatherUrl> </airport> <rawScore>9.08</rawScore> <normalizedScore>0.75</normalizedScore> <dateStart>2012-08-09T19:30:00.000Z</dateStart> <dateEnd>2012-08-09T22:30:00.000Z</dateEnd> <flights>57</flights> <observations>52</observations> <canceled>0</canceled> <onTime>45</onTime> <delayed15>5</delayed15> <delayed30>0</delayed30> <delayed45>2</delayed45> <delta>0.0</delta> </delayIndex>
Example JSON Output (whitespace added for clarity)
The following example is a partial response and uses inline references for simplicity.
See Full Sample Responses for a complete response.
"delayIndex":{ "airport":{ fs: "PDX", iata: "PDX", icao: "KPDX", faa: "PDX", name: "Portland International Airport ", street1: "7000 Northeast, Airport Way", street2: "", city: "Portland", cityCode: "PDX", stateCode: "OR", postalCode: "97216", countryCode: "US", countryName: "United States", regionName: "North America", timeZoneRegionName: "America/Los_Angeles", weatherZone: "ORZ006", localTime: "2012-08-09T11:02:59.571", utcOffsetHours: -7, latitude: 45.588995, longitude: -122.592901, elevationFeet: 30, classification: 1, active: true, weatherUrl: "" }, rawScore: 9.08, normalizedScore: 0.75, dateStart: "2012-08-09T19:30:00.000Z", dateEnd: "2012-08-09T22:30:00.000Z", flights: 57, observations: 52, canceled: 0, onTime: 45, delayed15: 5, delayed30: 0, delayed45: 2, delta: 0 }
Full Sample Responses