Extended Options

A special optional parameter, extendedOptions, adjusts the format and content of the response. Extended options are specified by mnemonic strings.

The following options (described below) are common to most of the Flex APIs:

To specify these options in a REST-style request, simply include them as an optional parameter. Any of the following are valid:

extendedOptions=usehTTpeRRors // (not case sensitive)

Unrecognized options are silently ignored.

Error Reporting


If useHTTPErrors is specified, the error will be reported as the HTTP status of the response, with details about the error in the body of the error message. A full response object will not be returned.

By default, if a REST request to a valid resource results in an error, the server will produce an HTTP 200 status with the error reported in the error element of the response. This approach is friendlier to most javascript frameworks.

Inline versus Appendix Details


By default, potentially repetitive data in responses for some APIs is summarized in the appendix element. For example, in flightStatus elements, airports are referenced as arrivalAirportFsCode and departureAirportFsCode. Details on each airport referenced would appear in an airports element in the appendix.

If you prefer to have this information embedded in the main response element, pass extendedOptions=useInlinedReferences.

Accessing Extended Fields


By default, API requests return the frozen Long Term Support data for a given version (see Version Policy for details).

If there are new fields available for the requested version they can be included by specifying the option includeNewFields.



Some APIs offer localization of strings in the response data. Specify the desired language by providing the option languageCode:xx, substituting the appropriate two-letter language code for xx. If you do not provide a language code, you will get responses with localized strings in the default, English.

Languages supported

Code Language
en English (Default)
ar Arabic
de German
es Spanish
fr French
ja Japanese
ko Korean
pt Portuguese
zh Simplified Chinese

APIs Supporting Localization

API Localized information
Airlines airline names
Airports airport names, city names, street addresses, countries, districts, regions
Alerts airport names, city names, street addresses, countries, districts, regions, airline names, equipment names
Delay Index airport names, city names, street addresses, countries, districts, regions
FlightStatus airport names, city names, street addresses, countries, districts, regions, airline names, equipment names
FIDS airport names, city names, airline names, "prevailing conditions" weather tags, timeliness remarks
Ratings airport names, city names, street addresses, countries, districts, regions, airline names
Weather airport names, city names, street addresses, countries, districts, regions, "prevailing conditions" tags
Connections airport names, city names, street addresses, countries, districts, regions, airline names, equipment names