Schedules API

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Additional documentation for Flight Schedules is available on the new Cirium Developer Studio.

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The Schedules API offers information on future scheduled flights.

Extended Options
includeDirects includeCargo includeSurface useHTTPErrors useInlinedReferences includeNewFields languageCode:xx
request, appendix, error, scheduledFlight
Long Term Support (?)
SOAP (deprecated): WSDL | XSD
Extended Fields (?)
SOAP (deprecated): WSDL+XSD

Interactive Documentation

  1. Click on the name of the web service to expand the test client interface.
  2. Fill out each required parameter (click app id & key to pre-populate with your credentials)
  3. Send Request to see the actual JSON response. You will also be provided with a curl invocation including a pre-formatted REST URL. To see the XML response, replace the json in the URL with xml.
  4. Please be aware that large responses may take a long time to pretty-print in your browser.

Schedules Extended Options

These can be used in conjunction with other Extended Options to customize API behavior to fit specific needs.
Option Description
includeDirects Includes direct flights (flights with intermediate stops) that would otherwise be omitted from the results.
includeCargo Includes cargo only flights that would otherwise be omitted from the results.
includeSurface Includes scheduled surface transportation that would otherwise be omitted from the results.